
Doxxed Team

The Dev:

Sergio Reales, 41 years. Husband and father. TV operator, and developer, he is responsible for "Ark Project" and Founder of Eternity Tokens Factory

The CM:

Jonathan G Uray, He has worked in the area of ​​community moderator, and moderator of Latino communities for almost 4 years, with experience as a group administrator. He has been active in the organization since the beginning of the project.

The Designer:

Brenda Anagua, she is wife and mother. Award-winning photographer and professional designer, she is present in all the design and post-production stages of the project. Also active at the launch of Eternity Tokens Factory.

The Admin:

Math Vargas He has more than 4 years of experience in Blockchain and ProfessionalTrading (Crypto and Forex), he is a young man who is passionate about the world of crypto projects and has also contributed from scratch to research for the foundations of the project. He joins as administrator of social networks and Marketing.

Last updated